Monday, January 4, 2010

Week Five of the Mission Field!!!

Week five!
Oh man! We have had such a crazy week! First of all, my compie was sick so I spent New Years Eve taking care of a sick companion. Our baptism fell through yesterday, so that kinda sucked. My little brother left today....poor kid has to take a 28 hour flight. My compie got grounded by the mission doctor yesterday, so we couldn't go to church and that kinda sucked cuz I really wanted to bear my testimony. But I would've felt like I was freakin on display like I did last week. People really notice the missionaries. We have a baptism set for this week, so hopefully it goes through and we have one set for next week. This is definitly the hardest thing I have EVER done! The most rigorous challenge of my young life! But it is infinitly worth it. It's hard, but rewarding. Very rewarding. The people of the South are very open hearted for the most part and mostly willing to listen to us. Despite the fact that it's kinda awkward when you are praying with them and they yell out "Thank you, Jesus!" in the middle of the prayer. :D Granted, I have been yelled at a couple of times, but for the most part, people are very nice. And you can tell that they are genuine. That's the best part, I think. :D I'm getting more and more used to my mission, so that's good. It takes time, but you get into a routine. 18 months feels like forever, but I already have one month down! And according to President Bowman, the MTC is already a third of my mission!
But I do love it out here. I love the people. They are so sweet. I have been called all sorts of pet names here...mostly people call me "Baby." But there are other ones...."sweetie, honey" and my all time favorite, "honey child!" LOVE THAT ONE! LOL! I'll probably come home calling you all that...I mean calling y'all that!
I am picking up the southern accent and that has been kinda fun. :D I know Maridy thinks I'll sound stupid but Zac thinks I'll sound cool. XD Anyways, I love you all! Thank you for your prayers and support!

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