** From email sent July 26 **
Hey y'all! I am now in Rincon Georgia. I only have 7 or 8 minutes to use the computer so this'll be super speedy fast. My new companion is Sister Smith who is awesome, by the way. She has only been out 6 months longer than I have....and she is convinced she's never going home....:D
Anyway, we're not really teaching anyone right now.....everybody that was in our teaching pool....well...didn't make it out....:D But Rincon is great. There is a woman in the ward here named Sister Ames who is freaking amazing. She's a lot like me. We live in a duplex and well.....that's about it. I'll put more in a real letter. LOVES!!!
** From another email sent the same day **
Yeah y'all.
Sorry that was so short! I thought I was limited on time....but Sister Smith is amazing....of course. Sister Smith is my new companion. She is originally from Hyde Park, Utah....which is up by Logan. She's really tall....about 6 feet tall and is really nice. She's allergic to gluten...so I've tried gluten free pancakes and gluten free cookies and they were really good! She also wants me to write one of her friends.....hmmmm.....not entirely sure how I feel about that....but.....oh well. Rincon is a nice place. Super duper small town.....but we're only about 20 minutes away from Savannah. It's much more humid here, but at least we get the ocean breeze once in a while. Our teaching pool is dead. There's not really anyone progressing....but that's ok. We'll find some people this week. Other than that, that's about all I can say....there'll be more details in my next email.....hopefully. But, love y'all!!!!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
"Coming! Ready or not!!" -Jesus
** From email sent July 19 **
So, I got told to die and go to hell by a 90 year old man.....we tracted into him and he yelled at us and told us we were a cult and gave us all these reasons why the Book of Mormon wasn't true. I almost pulled a Jeffery R Holland on him and started quoting his last conference talk about the Book of Mormon....but I held my tongue. But he told us to die and go to hell....which is a huge shock in the south, if anyone else had heard him, he would've been shot. You do not treat people that way in the south....especially a woman. Women are hugely respected in the south. People just treat us with the highest respect. But oh well. If anyone's close to dying, it's him. He's all hunched over and can't even hear.
I'm leaving. Sister Savage and I think I'm either going to Rincon or Ridgeland.....Which will be good, cuz they are small towns....and I'm a more of a small town kind of girl.....always have been. But, we'll see.
On to happy stuff. Sister Platts finally accepted a date. She's still scared, but she knows it's what she's supposed to do. She's been loving church and she wants to bring her daughter to church cuz her daughter doesn't like the church that she's attending right now....so hopefully, we'll get the both of them in the water. :D
Ummmm.....We only have one other person on for baptism and I'm not entire sure how solid she is. Her name is Stacey and her mom lives in Florida and her mom is a member....so at least we have the mom on our side.
Well, opening an area was an experience.....I think God was trying to test me. Or maybe Satan was......Well, Satan can just eat it!
I hope y'all are having fun without me. I've been fighting homesickness this past week....it's harder than I thought it would be....I honestly haven't been this home sick since the beginning of my mission.....but I'm okay. At least I know that there's a tall blondie in Argentina that is feeling the same way I do! Love you, hermanito!!!
The south is such an interesting mission. People love talking about Jesus and stuff, but they don't want to change. Sometimes I feel like quoting 2 Nephi 29: 6-10 to them. "Thou fool, that shall say: a Bible, we have got a Bible, and we need no more Bible. Have ye obtained a Bible save it were by the Jews? Know ye not that there are more nations than one? Know ye not that I, the Lord your God, have created all men, and that I remember those who are upon the isles of the sea; and that I rule in the heavens above and in the earth beneath; and I bring forth my word unto the children of men, yea, even upon all the nations of the earth? Wherefore murmer ye, because that ye shall receive more of my word? Know ye not that the testimony of two nations is a witness unto you that I am God, that I remember one nation like unto another. And when the two nations shall run together the testimony of the two nations shall run together also. And I do this that I may prove unto many that I am the same yesterday, today, and forever; and that I speak forth my words according to mine own pleasure, And because that I have spoken one word ye need not suppose that I cannot speak another; for my work is not yet finished; neither shall it be utnil the end of man, neither from that time henceforth and forever. Wherefore, because that ye have a Bible ye need not suppose that it contains all my words; neither need ye suppose that I have not caused more to be written." Sometimes, I just wanna tell them that. Sure, the Bible's great, but we need the Book of Mormon too!
Oh well.....my time is running out so I better get going. Love y'all!!!!!!
So, I got told to die and go to hell by a 90 year old man.....we tracted into him and he yelled at us and told us we were a cult and gave us all these reasons why the Book of Mormon wasn't true. I almost pulled a Jeffery R Holland on him and started quoting his last conference talk about the Book of Mormon....but I held my tongue. But he told us to die and go to hell....which is a huge shock in the south, if anyone else had heard him, he would've been shot. You do not treat people that way in the south....especially a woman. Women are hugely respected in the south. People just treat us with the highest respect. But oh well. If anyone's close to dying, it's him. He's all hunched over and can't even hear.
I'm leaving. Sister Savage and I think I'm either going to Rincon or Ridgeland.....Which will be good, cuz they are small towns....and I'm a more of a small town kind of girl.....always have been. But, we'll see.
On to happy stuff. Sister Platts finally accepted a date. She's still scared, but she knows it's what she's supposed to do. She's been loving church and she wants to bring her daughter to church cuz her daughter doesn't like the church that she's attending right now....so hopefully, we'll get the both of them in the water. :D
Ummmm.....We only have one other person on for baptism and I'm not entire sure how solid she is. Her name is Stacey and her mom lives in Florida and her mom is a member....so at least we have the mom on our side.
Well, opening an area was an experience.....I think God was trying to test me. Or maybe Satan was......Well, Satan can just eat it!
I hope y'all are having fun without me. I've been fighting homesickness this past week....it's harder than I thought it would be....I honestly haven't been this home sick since the beginning of my mission.....but I'm okay. At least I know that there's a tall blondie in Argentina that is feeling the same way I do! Love you, hermanito!!!
The south is such an interesting mission. People love talking about Jesus and stuff, but they don't want to change. Sometimes I feel like quoting 2 Nephi 29: 6-10 to them. "Thou fool, that shall say: a Bible, we have got a Bible, and we need no more Bible. Have ye obtained a Bible save it were by the Jews? Know ye not that there are more nations than one? Know ye not that I, the Lord your God, have created all men, and that I remember those who are upon the isles of the sea; and that I rule in the heavens above and in the earth beneath; and I bring forth my word unto the children of men, yea, even upon all the nations of the earth? Wherefore murmer ye, because that ye shall receive more of my word? Know ye not that the testimony of two nations is a witness unto you that I am God, that I remember one nation like unto another. And when the two nations shall run together the testimony of the two nations shall run together also. And I do this that I may prove unto many that I am the same yesterday, today, and forever; and that I speak forth my words according to mine own pleasure, And because that I have spoken one word ye need not suppose that I cannot speak another; for my work is not yet finished; neither shall it be utnil the end of man, neither from that time henceforth and forever. Wherefore, because that ye have a Bible ye need not suppose that it contains all my words; neither need ye suppose that I have not caused more to be written." Sometimes, I just wanna tell them that. Sure, the Bible's great, but we need the Book of Mormon too!
Oh well.....my time is running out so I better get going. Love y'all!!!!!!
"Don't worry about it....Moses was once a basket case too." Saw that on a church sign and I fell in love with it!!!!
** From email sent July 12 **
Um....this week was kinda boring. Um....we've met a wonderful woman named Sister Platts. She came to church with us yesterday and loved it! She is so funny. We were teaching her on Saturday and she was in a Jesus nightgown with her hair all up in a wrap. We invited her to church and she said not this week. Get me next week and Sister Savage said, "well, what would keep you coming from this week?" and she said "I don't know what to wear!" And sister savage said "we don't care what you wear! you can wear that if you want to!" and we pointed at her night gown. She freaked out and said "There is no way in HELL that I am wearing this!" It was way funny.
And we met this lady named Barbara and she wants to be baptized she is really sweet. Just loves us.
It's been an interesting week. Had a turning point with Sister Savage on Saturday. It was really great. I'm growing....though I'm trying to deny it. I don't wanna grow up! I wanna stay young forever! Oh well....growing old is inevitable....growing up is optional! :D Ummmm.....other than that......it's been boring. Oh! I finished that poem and I promised I would send it when I finished it!
"Without Sin"
By Sister Kathryn Marie Hoggard with help from Sister Hayley May Savage ;)
Headed to the square,
They drug me through the streets.
Crying and stumbling,
They threw me at his feet.
"Adultery!" They cried.
"Look at what she's done!"
"Stone her now!" They scream.
"She must pay for what she's become!"
I sit and I shiver and I
Stare hopeless at the ground.
The crowd quiets down
As they gather all around.
The Master looks at them and
Then He looks at me and
Then His gaze is back on the ground
As though he hadn't heard them speak.
Staring at the ground
I silently start to cry
Knowing that I would
Be sentanced to die.
I look up and I see the
Master writing on the ground.
Wondering how? How can this be?
He again looks at the crowd around.
"He who is without sin,
Let him first cast a stone."
I cringed, waiting for the blow,
Only to find, none would be thrown.
I cautiously look up as
The crowd slowly dispersed.
I look into the Master's eyes
Thinking I'd be condemned and accursed.
The Master looks deep into mine eyes,
"Woman," says He
"Where are those thine accusers?
Hath no man condemned thee?"
I again look around me
"No man, Lord." is my quiet reply.
"Then neither do I condemn thee" He said
And once again, I begin to cry.
I gently take His hand in mine
and kiss them tenderly.
For He has paid the ultimate price,
So that all men may be free.
As I stood to leave,
He says "Go and sin no more."
All lives may start anew.
He has opened up the door.
All through my life,
I've never forgotten that day
When my Lord and my Savior
Opened up the way.
Yep......................That's my poem and I am quite proud of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love you!
Um....this week was kinda boring. Um....we've met a wonderful woman named Sister Platts. She came to church with us yesterday and loved it! She is so funny. We were teaching her on Saturday and she was in a Jesus nightgown with her hair all up in a wrap. We invited her to church and she said not this week. Get me next week and Sister Savage said, "well, what would keep you coming from this week?" and she said "I don't know what to wear!" And sister savage said "we don't care what you wear! you can wear that if you want to!" and we pointed at her night gown. She freaked out and said "There is no way in HELL that I am wearing this!" It was way funny.
And we met this lady named Barbara and she wants to be baptized she is really sweet. Just loves us.
It's been an interesting week. Had a turning point with Sister Savage on Saturday. It was really great. I'm growing....though I'm trying to deny it. I don't wanna grow up! I wanna stay young forever! Oh well....growing old is inevitable....growing up is optional! :D Ummmm.....other than that......it's been boring. Oh! I finished that poem and I promised I would send it when I finished it!
"Without Sin"
By Sister Kathryn Marie Hoggard with help from Sister Hayley May Savage ;)
Headed to the square,
They drug me through the streets.
Crying and stumbling,
They threw me at his feet.
"Adultery!" They cried.
"Look at what she's done!"
"Stone her now!" They scream.
"She must pay for what she's become!"
I sit and I shiver and I
Stare hopeless at the ground.
The crowd quiets down
As they gather all around.
The Master looks at them and
Then He looks at me and
Then His gaze is back on the ground
As though he hadn't heard them speak.
Staring at the ground
I silently start to cry
Knowing that I would
Be sentanced to die.
I look up and I see the
Master writing on the ground.
Wondering how? How can this be?
He again looks at the crowd around.
"He who is without sin,
Let him first cast a stone."
I cringed, waiting for the blow,
Only to find, none would be thrown.
I cautiously look up as
The crowd slowly dispersed.
I look into the Master's eyes
Thinking I'd be condemned and accursed.
The Master looks deep into mine eyes,
"Woman," says He
"Where are those thine accusers?
Hath no man condemned thee?"
I again look around me
"No man, Lord." is my quiet reply.
"Then neither do I condemn thee" He said
And once again, I begin to cry.
I gently take His hand in mine
and kiss them tenderly.
For He has paid the ultimate price,
So that all men may be free.
As I stood to leave,
He says "Go and sin no more."
All lives may start anew.
He has opened up the door.
All through my life,
I've never forgotten that day
When my Lord and my Savior
Opened up the way.
Yep......................That's my poem and I am quite proud of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love you!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
** From email sent July 6 **
BAPTISMS!!!!!!!!!! GAH!!!!!!!!!! MY FIRST BAPTISMS SINCE JANUARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alleluia! Sister Gay got baptized last Tuesday! And so did her boys, Jason and Mondez! It was sooooooo great! And then Sister's Gay's daughter got baptized on Sunday. She was sick on Tuesday, so she had to miss it. But I looooove that family. The little 8 year old boy, Mondez, that got baptized is sooooo great! That little boy holds my heart, I tell ya. On Sunday he wrapped his arms around my waist and said, "Good-bye, Angel." I about lost it. I love that kid. So cute. And I about started crying when they got confirmed on Sunday. Bishop confirmed them and he gave some really good blessings.
We had a lesson with Sister May on Friday. She had pizza and salad for us. She's so great. We've just got to get that tea out of the house somehow.....Sister Savage and I are thinking of coming in in the dead of night and stealing it and leaving Crystal Light in it's place....somehow, I don't think that one would go over too well....But we might be having a power exchange later on this week with our Zone Leaders, that's when the Zone Leaders come with us and teach when we have a tough investigator...hopefully, she'll be able to feel the priesthood power. Pray for her, please. And we're hoping that we will be able to let her watch the Testaments and hopefully she'll dump that tea down the toliet.....
Not a whole lot new has happened....District meeting was this morning.....um.....yeah. We got pizza for dinner last night....There's a Little Ceaser's nearby! ALLELUIA! CHEAP PIZZA!!!!
I was sick on Friday and Saturday. I got a cold, don't know how since it's been dang hot....but yeah. I was pretty sick. We went home and Sister Savage gave me some Tylenol Severe Cold and it knocked me out for four hours. She came in to check on me a couple of times and said that I was completely out of it. And then that night I had a debilitating headache that made it so I could hardly see or think straight. Ugh. Not to mention I was completely drugged up. But I is better now! Yay!
Ummmm......ummmmm....Fourth of July was pretty boring. We sat around and painted each other's toenails....pretty exciting, I know. We listened to church music...listened to the drunk people running around in our complex and lighting firecrackers....yeah. I had a wild fourth of July. I did go to a recent convert's house and have grilled cheese sandwiches and watermelon.....Hmm. Not quite as good as steak and stuffed potatos. How I miss Mama's cookin'. I really miss Mama's cooking. Sister Savage and I are decent, but nothing's as good as Mom's dinners. And also, after having cereal every single morning, I really miss Daddy's pancakes....so I hope I get lots of good food when I get home! :D LOL.
So I figure Jason is either super busy or dead, considering I haven't received an email from him in forever....
But the Church is true, the book is blue and Mormons are Christians! (not everybody thinks so, but we are!)
BAPTISMS!!!!!!!!!! GAH!!!!!!!!!! MY FIRST BAPTISMS SINCE JANUARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alleluia! Sister Gay got baptized last Tuesday! And so did her boys, Jason and Mondez! It was sooooooo great! And then Sister's Gay's daughter got baptized on Sunday. She was sick on Tuesday, so she had to miss it. But I looooove that family. The little 8 year old boy, Mondez, that got baptized is sooooo great! That little boy holds my heart, I tell ya. On Sunday he wrapped his arms around my waist and said, "Good-bye, Angel." I about lost it. I love that kid. So cute. And I about started crying when they got confirmed on Sunday. Bishop confirmed them and he gave some really good blessings.
We had a lesson with Sister May on Friday. She had pizza and salad for us. She's so great. We've just got to get that tea out of the house somehow.....Sister Savage and I are thinking of coming in in the dead of night and stealing it and leaving Crystal Light in it's place....somehow, I don't think that one would go over too well....But we might be having a power exchange later on this week with our Zone Leaders, that's when the Zone Leaders come with us and teach when we have a tough investigator...hopefully, she'll be able to feel the priesthood power. Pray for her, please. And we're hoping that we will be able to let her watch the Testaments and hopefully she'll dump that tea down the toliet.....
Not a whole lot new has happened....District meeting was this morning.....um.....yeah. We got pizza for dinner last night....There's a Little Ceaser's nearby! ALLELUIA! CHEAP PIZZA!!!!
I was sick on Friday and Saturday. I got a cold, don't know how since it's been dang hot....but yeah. I was pretty sick. We went home and Sister Savage gave me some Tylenol Severe Cold and it knocked me out for four hours. She came in to check on me a couple of times and said that I was completely out of it. And then that night I had a debilitating headache that made it so I could hardly see or think straight. Ugh. Not to mention I was completely drugged up. But I is better now! Yay!
Ummmm......ummmmm....Fourth of July was pretty boring. We sat around and painted each other's toenails....pretty exciting, I know. We listened to church music...listened to the drunk people running around in our complex and lighting firecrackers....yeah. I had a wild fourth of July. I did go to a recent convert's house and have grilled cheese sandwiches and watermelon.....Hmm. Not quite as good as steak and stuffed potatos. How I miss Mama's cookin'. I really miss Mama's cooking. Sister Savage and I are decent, but nothing's as good as Mom's dinners. And also, after having cereal every single morning, I really miss Daddy's pancakes....so I hope I get lots of good food when I get home! :D LOL.
So I figure Jason is either super busy or dead, considering I haven't received an email from him in forever....
But the Church is true, the book is blue and Mormons are Christians! (not everybody thinks so, but we are!)
"I gave you TEN Commandments....not nine....not eight....TEN!!!" Love, God
** From email sent June 28 **
Oh my heck!!! What a week! It has been a freaking emotional roller coaster ride. This past week was horrendous.....and looooong!!!! But Sister Gay is totally getting baptized tomorrow. And her three kids are as well!! HURRAY FOR ZION!!!!!!! Sorry, Milledgeville inside jokes are a part of who I am now.....:D But Sister Gay is so awesome! She totally got Antied by her mom....cuz her mom doesn't like us....but she is so solid! She totally didn't care and she knows that what she is doing is right. Satan can just EAT IT!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
Anyways, Sister May is also doing very well, except she didn't make it to church yesterday....hmmmm. She's having a hard time giving up tea so please pray for her. But we went to dinner at her house on Friday. She made us barbeque ribs, potato salad, baked beans and turtle brownies....YUM!!!!
We also met a mom and her 10 year old son last week. Her son is hysterical!! He is so funny! He loves the missionaries. He's so cute. He says the most random things, such as: "When I see the blue smoke around me, I know it's good and when I see the red smoke, I know it's evil." We say: "Do you see the blue smoke now?" And he says: "yeah" so we say: "Then we're good." :D And he says, "I wanna be baptized every day!" And "God kicked Satan outta Heaven with his foot!" And "Someone needs to knock Satan out." I couldn't agree more, personally. :D And then, after his mom prayed, he said "I feel so good right now!" He is so in the water. We just gotta convince mom first. :D He was really excited to get the Book of Mormon. :D he said, "THE BOOK OF MORMON!!!!!!!!!! I finally have a Book of Mormon!!!!" It was really cute. He's a trip, I tell ya.
So, I learned how uncoordinated I really am this morning. Sister Savage and I were studying in our little study room and in between personal study and companionship planning, she got up to use the bathroom....so I leaned back in my chair, it's like a swivel office type chair that you see in business offices...but.......apparently I leaned toooooo far back and fell over backwards in my office chair. And not only that, I was stuck. So when Sister Savage walks in from the bathroom, the first thing she sees is Sister Hoggard on the floor, in her chair with her feet in the air. I heard her come in and then stop in her tracks. I look up at her and say, "I'm stuck!" Apparently we had a good laugh trying to get me untangled and out of that corner. Luckily, I didn't hit my head on the corner of the dresser. The last thing President needs to hear is that one of his beloved Sister missionaries (He truly does love the sisters) has cracked her head open due to her uncoordination and stupidity. But oh well. It's not the first or last time.
Oh my heck!!! What a week! It has been a freaking emotional roller coaster ride. This past week was horrendous.....and looooong!!!! But Sister Gay is totally getting baptized tomorrow. And her three kids are as well!! HURRAY FOR ZION!!!!!!! Sorry, Milledgeville inside jokes are a part of who I am now.....:D But Sister Gay is so awesome! She totally got Antied by her mom....cuz her mom doesn't like us....but she is so solid! She totally didn't care and she knows that what she is doing is right. Satan can just EAT IT!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
Anyways, Sister May is also doing very well, except she didn't make it to church yesterday....hmmmm. She's having a hard time giving up tea so please pray for her. But we went to dinner at her house on Friday. She made us barbeque ribs, potato salad, baked beans and turtle brownies....YUM!!!!
We also met a mom and her 10 year old son last week. Her son is hysterical!! He is so funny! He loves the missionaries. He's so cute. He says the most random things, such as: "When I see the blue smoke around me, I know it's good and when I see the red smoke, I know it's evil." We say: "Do you see the blue smoke now?" And he says: "yeah" so we say: "Then we're good." :D And he says, "I wanna be baptized every day!" And "God kicked Satan outta Heaven with his foot!" And "Someone needs to knock Satan out." I couldn't agree more, personally. :D And then, after his mom prayed, he said "I feel so good right now!" He is so in the water. We just gotta convince mom first. :D He was really excited to get the Book of Mormon. :D he said, "THE BOOK OF MORMON!!!!!!!!!! I finally have a Book of Mormon!!!!" It was really cute. He's a trip, I tell ya.
So, I learned how uncoordinated I really am this morning. Sister Savage and I were studying in our little study room and in between personal study and companionship planning, she got up to use the bathroom....so I leaned back in my chair, it's like a swivel office type chair that you see in business offices...but.......apparently I leaned toooooo far back and fell over backwards in my office chair. And not only that, I was stuck. So when Sister Savage walks in from the bathroom, the first thing she sees is Sister Hoggard on the floor, in her chair with her feet in the air. I heard her come in and then stop in her tracks. I look up at her and say, "I'm stuck!" Apparently we had a good laugh trying to get me untangled and out of that corner. Luckily, I didn't hit my head on the corner of the dresser. The last thing President needs to hear is that one of his beloved Sister missionaries (He truly does love the sisters) has cracked her head open due to her uncoordination and stupidity. But oh well. It's not the first or last time.
Monday, September 13, 2010
"Satan doesn't like this work.......bless his heart." -President Bowman
** From an email sent June 21 **
"Satan doesn't like this work.......bless his heart." -President Bowman
Oh my gosh! What a freakin awesome week!!!!!!! Ok, first off, Sister Patty is getting baptized on July 11. Only, she's going down to Florida to do it. But she'll be back here for her confirmation!!!! Alleluia!!! She is so wonderful! Every time we see her, she has something for us. She sells Avon so she's given us chapstick, lotion, mascara and stuff. And she gave us a candle from the consignment shop that she works at. Also, we went to her shop last week cuz I saw a shirt there that was really cute and only 6 dollars, so we went to buy it and I bring it up to the register and she say's "let me get this one for you." And I say, "Sister Patty!" And she's like, "I'm serious!" And I'm like, "Are you sure?" And she says "yeah!" So, she bought me a shirt that I will always remember her whenever I wear it.
Sister Belinda still wants to get baptized! We had the most amazing lesson with her last week! We'd taught her the word of wisdom and she was totally cool with it. Said she'd smoked her last cigarrette this morning and she was gonna be done! What a cinch of a lesson, eh? But then, here is the amazing thing. After we prayed, she turned and looked at me and said, "I have something else to tell y'all too." At that moment, I was like "Oh no, what?" Especially considering we'd just taught the word of wisdom. And she says, "I did that thing you told me to do." She was still looking at me and my first reaction was "Oh dear. What did I say?" Apparently a few days ago, when we had taught her study the scriptures, I had told her that whenever she had a question, that all she needed to do was hold the Book of Mormon in her hands and say a little prayer and ask God in her prayer, her question. (That's something that Adam Bezzant taught me to do in Mission Prep.) Well, she had done just that and had the question of whether or not all this (the church, the Book of Mormon, everything) was true. She had randomly opened up to Alma 45:22, which reads: "Therefore, Helaman and his brethren went forth to establish the church again in all the land, yea, in every city throughout all the land which was possessed by the people of Nephi. And it came to pass they did appoint priests and teachers throughout all the land over all the churches." And then she looked at me and said, "It's true." And she was trying not to cry as she said it. Well, more than one conversion took place in those few precious moments on porch steps in South Georgia on a sweltering June day.....mine. It was so amazing and later in the car, Sister Savage says, "She is solid because of you, Sister Hoggard. She gained her testimony because of you!" And I was like, scared senseless, because I was a big part of her conversion. It was amazing. All her kids that are of age, Shantell, who is 12, Jason, who is 11 and Mondez, who is 8 are all on for baptism. HOW COOL IS THAT!!!!???? So, maybe I'll actually have a baptism for reals!!!
We have also started working with a lady named Sister Grant.....not quite sure how solid she is.....but we'll see. I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY!!!!!!
Oh! I wanna let y'all in on a little quote that I got from Sister Child that is so great
"When we obey as Adam did, endure as Job did, teach as Paul did, testify as did Peter, serve as did Nephi, give of ourselves as did the Prophet Joseph, respond as did Ruth, honor as did Mary and live as did Christ, we are born anew. All power becomes ours, cast off forever is the old self, and with it, defeat, despair, doubt and disobedience. To a newness of life, we come----a life of faith, hope and charity, courage and joy. No task looms too large, no responsibility weighs too heavily. No duty is a burden. All things are possible." -President Monson Isn't that sooooo awesome!!!!!?????
"Satan doesn't like this work.......bless his heart." -President Bowman
Oh my gosh! What a freakin awesome week!!!!!!! Ok, first off, Sister Patty is getting baptized on July 11. Only, she's going down to Florida to do it. But she'll be back here for her confirmation!!!! Alleluia!!! She is so wonderful! Every time we see her, she has something for us. She sells Avon so she's given us chapstick, lotion, mascara and stuff. And she gave us a candle from the consignment shop that she works at. Also, we went to her shop last week cuz I saw a shirt there that was really cute and only 6 dollars, so we went to buy it and I bring it up to the register and she say's "let me get this one for you." And I say, "Sister Patty!" And she's like, "I'm serious!" And I'm like, "Are you sure?" And she says "yeah!" So, she bought me a shirt that I will always remember her whenever I wear it.
Sister Belinda still wants to get baptized! We had the most amazing lesson with her last week! We'd taught her the word of wisdom and she was totally cool with it. Said she'd smoked her last cigarrette this morning and she was gonna be done! What a cinch of a lesson, eh? But then, here is the amazing thing. After we prayed, she turned and looked at me and said, "I have something else to tell y'all too." At that moment, I was like "Oh no, what?" Especially considering we'd just taught the word of wisdom. And she says, "I did that thing you told me to do." She was still looking at me and my first reaction was "Oh dear. What did I say?" Apparently a few days ago, when we had taught her study the scriptures, I had told her that whenever she had a question, that all she needed to do was hold the Book of Mormon in her hands and say a little prayer and ask God in her prayer, her question. (That's something that Adam Bezzant taught me to do in Mission Prep.) Well, she had done just that and had the question of whether or not all this (the church, the Book of Mormon, everything) was true. She had randomly opened up to Alma 45:22, which reads: "Therefore, Helaman and his brethren went forth to establish the church again in all the land, yea, in every city throughout all the land which was possessed by the people of Nephi. And it came to pass they did appoint priests and teachers throughout all the land over all the churches." And then she looked at me and said, "It's true." And she was trying not to cry as she said it. Well, more than one conversion took place in those few precious moments on porch steps in South Georgia on a sweltering June day.....mine. It was so amazing and later in the car, Sister Savage says, "She is solid because of you, Sister Hoggard. She gained her testimony because of you!" And I was like, scared senseless, because I was a big part of her conversion. It was amazing. All her kids that are of age, Shantell, who is 12, Jason, who is 11 and Mondez, who is 8 are all on for baptism. HOW COOL IS THAT!!!!???? So, maybe I'll actually have a baptism for reals!!!
We have also started working with a lady named Sister Grant.....not quite sure how solid she is.....but we'll see. I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY!!!!!!
Oh! I wanna let y'all in on a little quote that I got from Sister Child that is so great
"When we obey as Adam did, endure as Job did, teach as Paul did, testify as did Peter, serve as did Nephi, give of ourselves as did the Prophet Joseph, respond as did Ruth, honor as did Mary and live as did Christ, we are born anew. All power becomes ours, cast off forever is the old self, and with it, defeat, despair, doubt and disobedience. To a newness of life, we come----a life of faith, hope and charity, courage and joy. No task looms too large, no responsibility weighs too heavily. No duty is a burden. All things are possible." -President Monson Isn't that sooooo awesome!!!!!?????
Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!!!!
** From an email sent June 14 **
SO GUESS WHAT!!!!????? Milledgeville couldn't take it anymore so they shipped me off....or rather, I flew south for the summer. I am now in Valdosta, Georgia. Clear down on the border of Georgia and Florida. Had to take the longest drive of my life to get here. We left Milledgeville at 8 in the morning and drove to Macon. Then, the assistants drove us to Statesboro, cuz Sister Child was going to Savannah and then the assistants drove us to Tifton and THEN we had to drive another hour to our area. I love it though, but it's freakin hot though! MAN!!! It's made me sick, but luckily I have a great companion that is taking care of me and President told us not to do too much tracting during the day and to drink at least a gallon of water each day. My companion is......*drum roll, please*.......Sister Savage!!!! I get her again. Remember, she was my MTC companion? She is so great. We've opened Valdosta to sisters....can you believe it? We've only been out here six months and already we are opening an area! I can't believe it! The elders left us so pretty amazing people for us to teach....so maybe I'll actually have a baptism that goes through....maybe they'll get baptized for reals this time! We are teaching a woman named Patty...who actually called the church and wants to learn and be baptized. She had taken the lessons years ago, but her husband wouldn't let her be baptized. But she's getting divorced and what's the first thing she does? Calls the church and wants to get baptized!!! Can you say golden? She already knows it's true for crying out loud. She told us so! She's so amazing! I love her. We are also teaching a lady named Belinda and her 11 year old son Jason....(Good name, I think :D ) So, they wanna get baptized and they are so great.
Our ward here is AWESOME!!! And so far, our bishop doesn't seem to be breaking any rules. He's really young though. He's probably only about Lori's age or so. So...like 22? No, he's like Lori's real age. :D So, he's pretty young, but super nice. The ward was all excited to see Sisters.
Our apartment is soooooo nice!!! Dang, the church treats us good. But Elders lived in it last, so I open up the cupboards on the first day and guess what I find? Ramen noodles, nesquick, and corndogs!!! Yummy! NOT!!!! Elders need to learn how to cook a little. Just kidding, I love elders!!! I've been going through Elder withdrawels from my last area. LOL!!! But luckily we get to go get our groceries today, so we can get some more real food.
I got heat exhaustion on Friday. Sister Savage was so worried about me. She looked at me while we were standing on a door step. She said I was white as a sheet and was shaking. So she gently pulled on my arm to move me away from the stairs cuz she was scared I was gonna pass out on her. So we got back in the car, turned on the cool air and she made me drink lots of water. So I'm slowly getting used to this heat. Ugh. Thank goodness I am only here for one summer!
SO GUESS WHAT!!!!????? Milledgeville couldn't take it anymore so they shipped me off....or rather, I flew south for the summer. I am now in Valdosta, Georgia. Clear down on the border of Georgia and Florida. Had to take the longest drive of my life to get here. We left Milledgeville at 8 in the morning and drove to Macon. Then, the assistants drove us to Statesboro, cuz Sister Child was going to Savannah and then the assistants drove us to Tifton and THEN we had to drive another hour to our area. I love it though, but it's freakin hot though! MAN!!! It's made me sick, but luckily I have a great companion that is taking care of me and President told us not to do too much tracting during the day and to drink at least a gallon of water each day. My companion is......*drum roll, please*.......Sister Savage!!!! I get her again. Remember, she was my MTC companion? She is so great. We've opened Valdosta to sisters....can you believe it? We've only been out here six months and already we are opening an area! I can't believe it! The elders left us so pretty amazing people for us to teach....so maybe I'll actually have a baptism that goes through....maybe they'll get baptized for reals this time! We are teaching a woman named Patty...who actually called the church and wants to learn and be baptized. She had taken the lessons years ago, but her husband wouldn't let her be baptized. But she's getting divorced and what's the first thing she does? Calls the church and wants to get baptized!!! Can you say golden? She already knows it's true for crying out loud. She told us so! She's so amazing! I love her. We are also teaching a lady named Belinda and her 11 year old son Jason....(Good name, I think :D ) So, they wanna get baptized and they are so great.
Our ward here is AWESOME!!! And so far, our bishop doesn't seem to be breaking any rules. He's really young though. He's probably only about Lori's age or so. So...like 22? No, he's like Lori's real age. :D So, he's pretty young, but super nice. The ward was all excited to see Sisters.
Our apartment is soooooo nice!!! Dang, the church treats us good. But Elders lived in it last, so I open up the cupboards on the first day and guess what I find? Ramen noodles, nesquick, and corndogs!!! Yummy! NOT!!!! Elders need to learn how to cook a little. Just kidding, I love elders!!! I've been going through Elder withdrawels from my last area. LOL!!! But luckily we get to go get our groceries today, so we can get some more real food.
I got heat exhaustion on Friday. Sister Savage was so worried about me. She looked at me while we were standing on a door step. She said I was white as a sheet and was shaking. So she gently pulled on my arm to move me away from the stairs cuz she was scared I was gonna pass out on her. So we got back in the car, turned on the cool air and she made me drink lots of water. So I'm slowly getting used to this heat. Ugh. Thank goodness I am only here for one summer!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
You know you're in trouble when it's been a long day and it isn't even 9 yet....
**From an email sent June 7**
Yes. It is true. It was such a long day yesterday and it wasn't even 9 o'clock yet. Sister Child and I played "transfer chess". We believe that I am going to Ridgeland, South Carolina. But I think I might go to Rincon, Georgia....which is down by Savannah. Wherever it is, it'll be really hot! It has been so incredibly hot down here. I'm melting. It's only like 80 degrees, but with 300% humidity....ugh.
So.....We met an amazing guy! His name is Christopher and he was raised Catholic but has stopped going to church cuz he says he doesn't need to go to church to get to Heaven, so he just prays and reads his bible. We talked to him about the Book of Mormon and a prophet and he kept saying "wow!" It was so great! He also told us that God saved his life. Cuz, he was in a really bad car accident when he was 16. He'd just barely gotten his license and he wrecked his car. He was in the hospital and the doctors told him he had a hole in his liver and that they might have to do surgery. But the doctor decided it was best to wait till the next day. The next day, when they did the ultrasound of his liver, the hole was almost completely healed and he didn't need surgery. Isn't that amazing?
And we also found a family!!! JJ and Regina and their 9 year old daughter, China! And they also have two sons. Age six and four. They are so great!
And, we went to go and drop off a Together Forever DVD with an investigator, cuz her dad died, and some of her friends pulled into the driveway. One of them got out and started talking to Sister Child and I was down by the car. Sister Child started talking about what the movie was about and I heard the woman still in the car, Annette, say "what's the movie about?" And I walked towards her and said it was about our families being together forever. And she's like "what!!??" And I'm like "Yeah." And she was totally entranced. She said she knew that there had to be a way. Apparently she's been having problems with a very mean and very hateful daughter. And she loves us!!!!!
Yes. It is true. It was such a long day yesterday and it wasn't even 9 o'clock yet. Sister Child and I played "transfer chess". We believe that I am going to Ridgeland, South Carolina. But I think I might go to Rincon, Georgia....which is down by Savannah. Wherever it is, it'll be really hot! It has been so incredibly hot down here. I'm melting. It's only like 80 degrees, but with 300% humidity....ugh.
So.....We met an amazing guy! His name is Christopher and he was raised Catholic but has stopped going to church cuz he says he doesn't need to go to church to get to Heaven, so he just prays and reads his bible. We talked to him about the Book of Mormon and a prophet and he kept saying "wow!" It was so great! He also told us that God saved his life. Cuz, he was in a really bad car accident when he was 16. He'd just barely gotten his license and he wrecked his car. He was in the hospital and the doctors told him he had a hole in his liver and that they might have to do surgery. But the doctor decided it was best to wait till the next day. The next day, when they did the ultrasound of his liver, the hole was almost completely healed and he didn't need surgery. Isn't that amazing?
And we also found a family!!! JJ and Regina and their 9 year old daughter, China! And they also have two sons. Age six and four. They are so great!
And, we went to go and drop off a Together Forever DVD with an investigator, cuz her dad died, and some of her friends pulled into the driveway. One of them got out and started talking to Sister Child and I was down by the car. Sister Child started talking about what the movie was about and I heard the woman still in the car, Annette, say "what's the movie about?" And I walked towards her and said it was about our families being together forever. And she's like "what!!??" And I'm like "Yeah." And she was totally entranced. She said she knew that there had to be a way. Apparently she's been having problems with a very mean and very hateful daughter. And she loves us!!!!!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
**From an email sent on June 1**
Ugh. I was sick last night. No bueno. I hate being sick, especially as a missionary. Maybe it was cuz of the heat. We tracted in the heat for two hours. Ugh. It's so humid down here. I feel like i'm trying to breathe water.
Well, first big news was that Sam did not get baptized. She found out she was baptist....apparently hasn't been to church in a while. But her family was freaking out at her. And her mom pretty much yelled at us and told us to leave and not come back. So that's the end of that. She still loves the Book of Mormon so I hope she comes back someday.
We tracted into a really nice man named Terry. He is so great. At our first sit down appointment, he told us that he'd had a dream that God told him that he needs to go back to church and get baptized. So his date is set for June 19th. He came to church on Sunday and loved it. He came in this cobalt blue and black pinstriped suit. It was so great.
Also, we were in Eatonton (a town about 20 minutes away where Uncle Remus wrote about Brer Rabbit) and we walked up to this guy who was on his bike and started talking to him and he also accepted baptism for the 19th. He was totally transfixed about prophets and stuff. LOVE IT!!!
The elders are so great. They are really kicking trash in this area. They told us that they were trying to catch up to the sisters...lol. :) But they had a baptism on Saturday. A woman named Charmain and her daughter La'naya. So great. It was so cute. I asked La'naya how she felt after the baptism and she said she felt great! She is sooooo cute. I love little kids here. I had to speak at this baptism. The spirit was totally directing me. It was so great.
Jessica has dropped off the face of the earth. We have no idea where she is. And Jerri and Latonya have disappeared too. *sigh* No bueno.
Ugh. I was sick last night. No bueno. I hate being sick, especially as a missionary. Maybe it was cuz of the heat. We tracted in the heat for two hours. Ugh. It's so humid down here. I feel like i'm trying to breathe water.
Well, first big news was that Sam did not get baptized. She found out she was baptist....apparently hasn't been to church in a while. But her family was freaking out at her. And her mom pretty much yelled at us and told us to leave and not come back. So that's the end of that. She still loves the Book of Mormon so I hope she comes back someday.
We tracted into a really nice man named Terry. He is so great. At our first sit down appointment, he told us that he'd had a dream that God told him that he needs to go back to church and get baptized. So his date is set for June 19th. He came to church on Sunday and loved it. He came in this cobalt blue and black pinstriped suit. It was so great.
Also, we were in Eatonton (a town about 20 minutes away where Uncle Remus wrote about Brer Rabbit) and we walked up to this guy who was on his bike and started talking to him and he also accepted baptism for the 19th. He was totally transfixed about prophets and stuff. LOVE IT!!!
The elders are so great. They are really kicking trash in this area. They told us that they were trying to catch up to the sisters...lol. :) But they had a baptism on Saturday. A woman named Charmain and her daughter La'naya. So great. It was so cute. I asked La'naya how she felt after the baptism and she said she felt great! She is sooooo cute. I love little kids here. I had to speak at this baptism. The spirit was totally directing me. It was so great.
Jessica has dropped off the face of the earth. We have no idea where she is. And Jerri and Latonya have disappeared too. *sigh* No bueno.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
May 24 News
**From an email sent on May 24**
So....Brother Stapleton: Told us that he's decided to get baptized into the Episcopal Church. After he told us, I came home and knelt by my bed and cried and prayed for about an hour. It hurts because I know that he knows it's true and he's not acting on that knowledge....he will be held accountable for that....
Sister Sam is getting baptized this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On Saturday at 2:00!!!!!!!!! Sister Child and I are so super excited! She made it through the Isaiah chapters of second Nephi and had two whole pages of words for us to define. She is so great!!! I love her!!! She is totally AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!
Brother Smith is soooooo great!!!! He loved church yesterday! I can't wait for him to be baptized.
Sister Jerri and Latonya....Well. That's another story. It's getting interesting. We haven't been able to get in touch with her. We're beginning to wonder how serious she is about all this. But pray for her. And pray for everyone else....oh! And pray for Sister Ingram. She's great and we really want her to be baptized.
The Elders had a baptism on Saturday! I played the piano for it. It was so great. I almost started crying. I love the priesthood power that was filling up that room. And the man they baptized is so funny. He's the one that was being taught by sisters and then he disappeared. But I am so glad that another brother of ours joined the ranks!!!!
We had a fireside yesterday for the youth. I had to sing for it. But I sang a great song and Sister Child told me that I did really good. I sang the hymn, "The time is far spent" it's a great missionary song. It goes:
"The time is far spent there is little remaining
to publish glad tidings by sea and by land.
Then hasten ye heralds, go forward proclaiming;
'Repent, for the kingdom of Heaven's at hand. Repent for the kingdom of Heaven's at hand.'
Shrink not from your duty, however unpleasant
But follow the Savior, your pattern and friend.
Your little afflictions though painful at present,
Ere long with the righteous in glory will end. Ere long with the righteous in glory will end.
What, tho, if the favor of Ahman possessing,
This world's bitter hate you are called to endure?
The angels are waiting to crown you with blessings!
Go forward, be faithful the promise is sure. Go forward, be faithful the promise is sure.
Be fixed in your purpose for Satan will try you;
The weight of your calling He perfectly knows.
Your path may be thorny, but Jesus is nigh you;
His arm is sufficient though demons oppose. His arm is sufficient though demons oppose!"
It's a great song. And then every one of us missionaries gave one of our favorite baptism stories. The spirit was sooo strong! AMAZING!!!!
So....Brother Stapleton: Told us that he's decided to get baptized into the Episcopal Church. After he told us, I came home and knelt by my bed and cried and prayed for about an hour. It hurts because I know that he knows it's true and he's not acting on that knowledge....he will be held accountable for that....
Sister Sam is getting baptized this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On Saturday at 2:00!!!!!!!!! Sister Child and I are so super excited! She made it through the Isaiah chapters of second Nephi and had two whole pages of words for us to define. She is so great!!! I love her!!! She is totally AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!
Brother Smith is soooooo great!!!! He loved church yesterday! I can't wait for him to be baptized.
Sister Jerri and Latonya....Well. That's another story. It's getting interesting. We haven't been able to get in touch with her. We're beginning to wonder how serious she is about all this. But pray for her. And pray for everyone else....oh! And pray for Sister Ingram. She's great and we really want her to be baptized.
The Elders had a baptism on Saturday! I played the piano for it. It was so great. I almost started crying. I love the priesthood power that was filling up that room. And the man they baptized is so funny. He's the one that was being taught by sisters and then he disappeared. But I am so glad that another brother of ours joined the ranks!!!!
We had a fireside yesterday for the youth. I had to sing for it. But I sang a great song and Sister Child told me that I did really good. I sang the hymn, "The time is far spent" it's a great missionary song. It goes:
"The time is far spent there is little remaining
to publish glad tidings by sea and by land.
Then hasten ye heralds, go forward proclaiming;
'Repent, for the kingdom of Heaven's at hand. Repent for the kingdom of Heaven's at hand.'
Shrink not from your duty, however unpleasant
But follow the Savior, your pattern and friend.
Your little afflictions though painful at present,
Ere long with the righteous in glory will end. Ere long with the righteous in glory will end.
What, tho, if the favor of Ahman possessing,
This world's bitter hate you are called to endure?
The angels are waiting to crown you with blessings!
Go forward, be faithful the promise is sure. Go forward, be faithful the promise is sure.
Be fixed in your purpose for Satan will try you;
The weight of your calling He perfectly knows.
Your path may be thorny, but Jesus is nigh you;
His arm is sufficient though demons oppose. His arm is sufficient though demons oppose!"
It's a great song. And then every one of us missionaries gave one of our favorite baptism stories. The spirit was sooo strong! AMAZING!!!!
Monday, June 7, 2010
May 17 News
**From an email sent to the family on May 17**
Hey y'all!
We had the coolest lightning storm last night. It was so great! LOVED IT!!!
Today is Sister Child's birthday....the Elders made her a cake and dropped it off at our apartment....apparently the bottom left corner is left for the green weenie...(which is me, but I'm scared to see what they put in it...) We've had fun so far, though.
As for our investigators....Jerri and Latonya are still on for baptism. They came to church yesterday and loved it! We also have somebody new that we are teaching. Her name is Sam and she is so great! She's 19 and she LOVES the Book of Mormon. She ordered one from like, one of the commercials or something and we dropped it off to her and taught her about the restoration. Two days later when we came to see her, she was already in 2 Nephi. We've taught her a whole bunch and she loves it!!! She has no problems with the Word of Wisdom, so that was great (especially when people down here LOVE sweet tea). She came to church yesterday and loved it. She's also started reading a Gospel Principles Manuel and loves it. She's so great, her baptism is set for May 29. Hopefully, we'll be able to teach her mom too. :D Brother Stapleton has disappeared. He can't go too far, cuz he's in the Vet's Hospital so pray we find him soon.
Mission life is so great! I love it! Both Sister Child and I think this will be my last transfer here in Milledgeville. When I'm transfered, I'll either go to Rincon, Savannah or Warner Robins, Georgia or Ridgeland, South Carolina. PRAY FOR SOUTH CAROLINA!!! Haha. Just kidding.
I plan to bring all y'all back to Georgia some day to see all the places that I served in....but Daddy, you'll have to let me drive cuz Georgians drive like crazy people and I'm the only who is used to their crazy driving. Didn't take me too long to get used to it since I'm crazy anyway. :D
I love the mission! It's the best thing I have ever done. Sure we have our weird times, like the suicidal duck (the thing flew straight at our windshield!) and the man-eating cockroach (the thing was two inches long, I swear!) and the time the car had a mind of it's own....long story. :D But it's so wonderful.
Hey y'all!
We had the coolest lightning storm last night. It was so great! LOVED IT!!!
Today is Sister Child's birthday....the Elders made her a cake and dropped it off at our apartment....apparently the bottom left corner is left for the green weenie...(which is me, but I'm scared to see what they put in it...) We've had fun so far, though.
As for our investigators....Jerri and Latonya are still on for baptism. They came to church yesterday and loved it! We also have somebody new that we are teaching. Her name is Sam and she is so great! She's 19 and she LOVES the Book of Mormon. She ordered one from like, one of the commercials or something and we dropped it off to her and taught her about the restoration. Two days later when we came to see her, she was already in 2 Nephi. We've taught her a whole bunch and she loves it!!! She has no problems with the Word of Wisdom, so that was great (especially when people down here LOVE sweet tea). She came to church yesterday and loved it. She's also started reading a Gospel Principles Manuel and loves it. She's so great, her baptism is set for May 29. Hopefully, we'll be able to teach her mom too. :D Brother Stapleton has disappeared. He can't go too far, cuz he's in the Vet's Hospital so pray we find him soon.
Mission life is so great! I love it! Both Sister Child and I think this will be my last transfer here in Milledgeville. When I'm transfered, I'll either go to Rincon, Savannah or Warner Robins, Georgia or Ridgeland, South Carolina. PRAY FOR SOUTH CAROLINA!!! Haha. Just kidding.
I plan to bring all y'all back to Georgia some day to see all the places that I served in....but Daddy, you'll have to let me drive cuz Georgians drive like crazy people and I'm the only who is used to their crazy driving. Didn't take me too long to get used to it since I'm crazy anyway. :D
I love the mission! It's the best thing I have ever done. Sure we have our weird times, like the suicidal duck (the thing flew straight at our windshield!) and the man-eating cockroach (the thing was two inches long, I swear!) and the time the car had a mind of it's own....long story. :D But it's so wonderful.
Monday, April 5, 2010
blog, blog, blog, blog, blog blog blog blog!!!!! Trying to make a song, I suppose....
Hello all you people in the cooooold Utah weather! Georgia is about 80 degrees right now and is so nice! I'm actually getting a little bit of a tan....I know!!! Weird huh? Anyways, Jessica's baptism has been pushed back. Her mom is getting interested and has attended church and has even participated in the lessons, so hopefully she'll get baptized with her daughter. I'm frustrated cuz Jessica is soooo golden!!! She has committed to live the commandments and was all for obeying the law of chastity and the law of tithing. So hopefully, it'll happen soon. We're also teaching a man named William. He's a sweet old man that lives in the veteran's hospital here in Milledgeville. He used to be a policeman and his partner was a member. He's really interested. He feels like he needs to get closer to God, especially after his stroke. So hopefully, he'll also enter the waters of salvation soon.
We had zone conference last Wednesday. Bishop Dubre came. He's one of the writers for Preach My Gospel. It was awesome! I've been kind of on a spiritual high this week because of Zone Conference and then General Conference. When they announced that Elder Holland was gonna speak, Sister Rolfson and I looked at each other and said "Yeah!" At least, we were quiet about it. :) His talk was INTENSE!!!! I loved it! And I liked his little joke in it...."Don't invite them in and serve them tea and crumpets and show them where the silver ware is! *pause* You shouldn't be serving tea anyway!" Sister Rolfson and I quote that to each other and start laughing. Especially since tea is such a big thing in the south. But yeah, General Conference was AMAZING!!!
I wrote another poem/song. I'm in Ether in the Book of Mormon and while finishing Mormon, I got all depressed. I felt so bad for Moroni after his father died and his whole civilization was destroyed. Sad. So I kinda wrote a song about it. It also goes well for when we're going through hard times.....kinda like the last week with me....anyways, here it is:
"Always Near"
By Katie Hoggard
"As I lay awake at night,
Fighting this unending fight.
Wondering what the day will bring,
This is the song that I will sing.
What will happen on the morrow?
My soul is filled with aching sorrow.
How much can one heart break?
How much can one soul take?
I look at the world around me,
Wondering how, how can this be?
The peace we had's no longer here.
From the joyous days when our Savior did appear.
What will happen on the morrow?
My soul is filled with aching sorrow.
How much can one heart break?
How much can one soul take?
Each day gets a little longer,
But each day I grow stronger.
I grow closer to my Lord.
Listen to His glorious word.
What will happen on the morrow?
My soul is filled with aching sorrow.
How much can one heart break?
How much can one soul take?
I feel Him take my hand,
As we journey through the sand.
I feel so much better here,
Knowing my Savior's always near."
We had zone conference last Wednesday. Bishop Dubre came. He's one of the writers for Preach My Gospel. It was awesome! I've been kind of on a spiritual high this week because of Zone Conference and then General Conference. When they announced that Elder Holland was gonna speak, Sister Rolfson and I looked at each other and said "Yeah!" At least, we were quiet about it. :) His talk was INTENSE!!!! I loved it! And I liked his little joke in it...."Don't invite them in and serve them tea and crumpets and show them where the silver ware is! *pause* You shouldn't be serving tea anyway!" Sister Rolfson and I quote that to each other and start laughing. Especially since tea is such a big thing in the south. But yeah, General Conference was AMAZING!!!
I wrote another poem/song. I'm in Ether in the Book of Mormon and while finishing Mormon, I got all depressed. I felt so bad for Moroni after his father died and his whole civilization was destroyed. Sad. So I kinda wrote a song about it. It also goes well for when we're going through hard times.....kinda like the last week with me....anyways, here it is:
"Always Near"
By Katie Hoggard
"As I lay awake at night,
Fighting this unending fight.
Wondering what the day will bring,
This is the song that I will sing.
What will happen on the morrow?
My soul is filled with aching sorrow.
How much can one heart break?
How much can one soul take?
I look at the world around me,
Wondering how, how can this be?
The peace we had's no longer here.
From the joyous days when our Savior did appear.
What will happen on the morrow?
My soul is filled with aching sorrow.
How much can one heart break?
How much can one soul take?
Each day gets a little longer,
But each day I grow stronger.
I grow closer to my Lord.
Listen to His glorious word.
What will happen on the morrow?
My soul is filled with aching sorrow.
How much can one heart break?
How much can one soul take?
I feel Him take my hand,
As we journey through the sand.
I feel so much better here,
Knowing my Savior's always near."
Monday, March 29, 2010
The Village of Milledge!!!!!!!!!!
Things are going well. Jessica's baptism might be pushed back. She also prayed for the first time last Saturday and it was amazing! She said how thankful she was that these sisters could come help her and that she could turn her life around. It made me wanna cry. This is the first baptism I've had that it's actually been someone that I've found and baptized. Brother Davis (from Cochran) said that that was what made it all worth it. Was when you baptize somebody that you found, not that someone else had found. :D We don't have any baptisms coming up besides hers, but her mom and her baby's daddy came to church with us, so maybe they'll be baptized. Pray for them. We met a girl yesterday named Tawana and she was excited to talk with us. We just contacted her on the street and she told us her address so we could come back. She was excited and called us 'her new friends.' :D,
Zone Conference is this week. They're having it down in Tifton again. Bishop Dubray is coming. He's one of the co-writers of Preach My Gospel. So it's bound to be good. And I'm excited for General Conference. We'll be going to the chapel here in Milledgeville. Most of the members will be watching it at home since the BYU channel now plays it. But we'll be going to the chapel.
Not much else exciting is happening. It rained like crazy yesterday and we were actually told by Elder Ludwig to go in early cuz he'd been watching the weather channel and it said that Milledgeville had a severe thunderstorm warning. I swear, I've never seen so much rain in my entire life! If Utah got half this much rain, we'd have a flood. No bueno.
Anyways, the church is true and live life to the fullest, because every second you spend angry or upset, is another second of happiness you can never get back.
Zone Conference is this week. They're having it down in Tifton again. Bishop Dubray is coming. He's one of the co-writers of Preach My Gospel. So it's bound to be good. And I'm excited for General Conference. We'll be going to the chapel here in Milledgeville. Most of the members will be watching it at home since the BYU channel now plays it. But we'll be going to the chapel.
Not much else exciting is happening. It rained like crazy yesterday and we were actually told by Elder Ludwig to go in early cuz he'd been watching the weather channel and it said that Milledgeville had a severe thunderstorm warning. I swear, I've never seen so much rain in my entire life! If Utah got half this much rain, we'd have a flood. No bueno.
Anyways, the church is true and live life to the fullest, because every second you spend angry or upset, is another second of happiness you can never get back.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Pictures from Georgia
**The captions are what Katie wrote on the back of the pictures. Enjoy!**
Welcome to Cochran!

Our car. :)

Zone Conference. Macon Zone Sisters.

Emily Stiles' baptism.

Emily & Shawn on Emily's baptism.

An awesome church sign. "The church where God is glorified, the people are edified & the devil is horrified."

What!? No mail!? Sad day!
Our bedroom.

Sis. Hatfield & I on the day of transfers.

With the Davis'.

Did you know it snows in Georgia? Yeah, me neither.

Sister Hardman & I enjoying the SNOW. :)

Playing in Sis. Hardman's funky hat.

Sister Hardman, Sis. Truehaft & Sis. Robinson & me on the day that Sis. Robinson went home.

Me, Sis. Hatfield and Sis. Hanson at Zone Conference.

What is this peculiar white stuff?

See! I've learned how to cook! (Actually, it’s just celery soup) :)

A sign in front of a trailor park. 8 & 9 are my favorites. "Pins? What’s a pin?" "Live and play at own risk? I know I’m in Georgia now!"
Welcome to Cochran!

Our car. :)

Zone Conference. Macon Zone Sisters.

Emily Stiles' baptism.

Emily & Shawn on Emily's baptism.

An awesome church sign. "The church where God is glorified, the people are edified & the devil is horrified."

What!? No mail!? Sad day!

Our bedroom.

Sis. Hatfield & I on the day of transfers.

With the Davis'.

Did you know it snows in Georgia? Yeah, me neither.

Sister Hardman & I enjoying the SNOW. :)

Playing in Sis. Hardman's funky hat.

Sister Hardman, Sis. Truehaft & Sis. Robinson & me on the day that Sis. Robinson went home.

Me, Sis. Hatfield and Sis. Hanson at Zone Conference.

What is this peculiar white stuff?

See! I've learned how to cook! (Actually, it’s just celery soup) :)

A sign in front of a trailor park. 8 & 9 are my favorites. "Pins? What’s a pin?" "Live and play at own risk? I know I’m in Georgia now!"

Monday, March 22, 2010
New Companion
I am still in Milledgeville, but I have a new companion. Her name is Sister Rolfson. She's from Canada. This is her last transfer, which means I'll be the one sending her home and I know that it'll make me a little trunky, so I try not to think about it too much. But, I'm still the designated driver. I like listening to her speak cuz sometimes her Canadian accent comes out. :) She's an art major and she's the youngest of four kids. She has three older brothers.
As for our investigators. Jessica is committed for baptism on April 2. She's 19 and has the cutest little girl. And we are now teaching Sister Julia (an 81 year old sweet baptist woman that LOVES the Sisters) and she is "chewing" the idea of getting baptized. She came to church yesterday so that's promising. But as for that, not much else is happening. The ward is still the same....kind of hard to handle, but it's all good. Jessica came to church yesterday with her baby's daddy, so I'm believing she'll get baptized...I hope her boyfriend joins her and then they can get married and then sealed and then happily ever after.....pray for them all. Jessica also came to a relief society activity on Thursday. It was great, because that meant that all the sisters could go too and enjoy a free meal. :) But it was called Daughters of Zion and Sister Rolfson and I sang "As Sisters in Zion" and it was really good. They had good food and a good program. The program was all about famous women in church history....Eve, Ruth, Mary, Emma and Lucy Smith. It was really good.
Before Sister Hardman got transferred to Rincon, she and I wrote another song/poem:
I can see it coming,
Through the fields of clover.
I can feel it coming,
Soon this change will be over.
There is sunlight,
There is moonlight,
There is my light,
Never faded.
I see the stars,
They seem to be glowing.
'Look at you.' they seem to say.
'You're growing.'
It's been hard,
There's been so much.
But all is healed,
Through my Savior's touch.
I wrote it the day she left. I hate change. I just want my routine back. *sigh* oh well. I'll visit Sister Hardman after we both come home. She only lives near Logan, so she's close by. We could go to the temple and stuff sometime. But life is good. It's hard, but I still love it. It's when we find people like Jessica and Julia that make it all worth it.
As for our investigators. Jessica is committed for baptism on April 2. She's 19 and has the cutest little girl. And we are now teaching Sister Julia (an 81 year old sweet baptist woman that LOVES the Sisters) and she is "chewing" the idea of getting baptized. She came to church yesterday so that's promising. But as for that, not much else is happening. The ward is still the same....kind of hard to handle, but it's all good. Jessica came to church yesterday with her baby's daddy, so I'm believing she'll get baptized...I hope her boyfriend joins her and then they can get married and then sealed and then happily ever after.....pray for them all. Jessica also came to a relief society activity on Thursday. It was great, because that meant that all the sisters could go too and enjoy a free meal. :) But it was called Daughters of Zion and Sister Rolfson and I sang "As Sisters in Zion" and it was really good. They had good food and a good program. The program was all about famous women in church history....Eve, Ruth, Mary, Emma and Lucy Smith. It was really good.
Before Sister Hardman got transferred to Rincon, she and I wrote another song/poem:
I can see it coming,
Through the fields of clover.
I can feel it coming,
Soon this change will be over.
There is sunlight,
There is moonlight,
There is my light,
Never faded.
I see the stars,
They seem to be glowing.
'Look at you.' they seem to say.
'You're growing.'
It's been hard,
There's been so much.
But all is healed,
Through my Savior's touch.
I wrote it the day she left. I hate change. I just want my routine back. *sigh* oh well. I'll visit Sister Hardman after we both come home. She only lives near Logan, so she's close by. We could go to the temple and stuff sometime. But life is good. It's hard, but I still love it. It's when we find people like Jessica and Julia that make it all worth it.
Monday, March 15, 2010
I'm an Old Green Weenie!
So, yeah, I'm old. According to a five year old little girl, and I'm a green weenie. According to my ward mission leader and our elder's quorum president. Bah. All cuz of those stupid hot dogs. We are teaching two families right now and it's wonderful! I love serving a mission and things are so great. Transfers are this week and I pray that Sister Hardman and I don't get transfered. I love her too much to get transferred. So, tomorrow, we find out. It's the great and dreadful day....*twilight zone music playing* I've never been more scared of the APs in my entire life. I was shocked to get transfered from Cochran, so hopefully I don't get transferred again...but knowing my luck, I probably will. BAH!!! But, it's all in the Lord's plan. But after being on my mission, I'm rethinking my career path. I still wanna major in Special Ed, but I'm actually thinking of going straight into counseling and being a counselor for abuse victims. Especially people who have been sexually abused. I'm really thinking like that is what the Lord has in store for me. But, I feel like that's what I need to do. Anyway, have to go.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
I Be Speakin Southern!!!
**From an email sent Mar. 8**
Hey y'all and yee haw!
Ok, I am now speaking in a southern accent. I've really picked up on it down here. I love it. It makes me sound funky. Sometimes I'll say something and not even realize that it's southern term. For example: "That there church is down the skreet, past the barkin' dog." Yes, I know I'm weird.
Last week was a looooooong one. Enjoyable, but long. But on Tuesday, I got quite a shock to my system. It was about 11:00 in the morning and Sister Hardman and I were driving to one of our appointments, and our cell phone rings. Sister Hardman looks at it and says "It's President." And then she answers it. I hear the conversation and he's asking for me. Sister Hardman says "One second, let us pull over, because she's driving." And then President says, "No, just have her call me as soon as she can." Then Sister Hardman hangs up. So, naturally, I start freaking out. Why was the President calling me? At first, I thought it was something to do with my family. That something had happened. Why else would President want to talk to me? So, when we pull up to our appointment, we are a little early, so I call President Bowman. And he answered and I said "Hi, President, it's Sister Hoggard, how are you?" And then he says "I got up this morning and saw that it was raining, so I called to see how you were doing, because I knew this would be a hard day for you." (He knows that the rain makes me feel like crap because of my fibremylagia.) But isn't that sweet!? He called to see how I was, just because it was raining.
Our investigators are well....being a little.....well, I'll just put it this way, they are being very...."southern-ish." If you don't know what that means, ask Jeff. He'll tell you. I'm sure he remembers. One of our investigators is a man named Joseph. He used to meet with the elders. And now, we're meeting with him. He likes the sisters a lot. It's interesting. Sisters get into a lot more places because we don't look quite as intimidating as two young men in suits. Anyway, we're meeting with him again tonight to actually get a sit down lesson with him. His baptism is set for March 28th. Please pray for him. Another is this fifteen year old boy named Brandon. We're still waiting to make sure that it's ok with his parents that we meet with him. He's really sweet. We're also teaching a family. The grandmother used to be a member, but has been baptized into another church, so she'll probably be excommunicated soon unless she starts coming back. But her two grandsons, Caleb and Matthew haven't been baptized and they are baptismal age. So, hopefully, we'll get the go-ahead from their mom and we'll be able to teach them and get them baptized, cuz they both want to be baptized. The Patrick's haven't been able to meet with us. They've been really sick. Sister Patrick actually had to take Brother Patrick to the hospital on Friday. So pray that they'll get better and that their hearts will be softened. We were able to meet with two guys the other day that totally bashed us. We were meeting them at the church with a member couple to help us teach. Finally, the member had to step in and tell them to knock it off. She said that us sisters were good enough to meet with them and help answer their questions, but that we weren't here to be bashed. It was horrible. I cried the entire way home. It's horrible when someone can take something that I cherish and totally use it against me to rip me apart. I keep thinking of part of the song that Sister Hardman wrote: "I have tried to warn you, but my words have only grieved you. When we stand at judgment day, what would ye have me say? I reached out for you, but I could not retrieve you. Would you dare to tell me then, 'I don't believe you.'" I hope their hearts will be softened one day. It might have just been because his friend was a "preacher in training."
Hey y'all and yee haw!
Ok, I am now speaking in a southern accent. I've really picked up on it down here. I love it. It makes me sound funky. Sometimes I'll say something and not even realize that it's southern term. For example: "That there church is down the skreet, past the barkin' dog." Yes, I know I'm weird.
Last week was a looooooong one. Enjoyable, but long. But on Tuesday, I got quite a shock to my system. It was about 11:00 in the morning and Sister Hardman and I were driving to one of our appointments, and our cell phone rings. Sister Hardman looks at it and says "It's President." And then she answers it. I hear the conversation and he's asking for me. Sister Hardman says "One second, let us pull over, because she's driving." And then President says, "No, just have her call me as soon as she can." Then Sister Hardman hangs up. So, naturally, I start freaking out. Why was the President calling me? At first, I thought it was something to do with my family. That something had happened. Why else would President want to talk to me? So, when we pull up to our appointment, we are a little early, so I call President Bowman. And he answered and I said "Hi, President, it's Sister Hoggard, how are you?" And then he says "I got up this morning and saw that it was raining, so I called to see how you were doing, because I knew this would be a hard day for you." (He knows that the rain makes me feel like crap because of my fibremylagia.) But isn't that sweet!? He called to see how I was, just because it was raining.
Our investigators are well....being a little.....well, I'll just put it this way, they are being very...."southern-ish." If you don't know what that means, ask Jeff. He'll tell you. I'm sure he remembers. One of our investigators is a man named Joseph. He used to meet with the elders. And now, we're meeting with him. He likes the sisters a lot. It's interesting. Sisters get into a lot more places because we don't look quite as intimidating as two young men in suits. Anyway, we're meeting with him again tonight to actually get a sit down lesson with him. His baptism is set for March 28th. Please pray for him. Another is this fifteen year old boy named Brandon. We're still waiting to make sure that it's ok with his parents that we meet with him. He's really sweet. We're also teaching a family. The grandmother used to be a member, but has been baptized into another church, so she'll probably be excommunicated soon unless she starts coming back. But her two grandsons, Caleb and Matthew haven't been baptized and they are baptismal age. So, hopefully, we'll get the go-ahead from their mom and we'll be able to teach them and get them baptized, cuz they both want to be baptized. The Patrick's haven't been able to meet with us. They've been really sick. Sister Patrick actually had to take Brother Patrick to the hospital on Friday. So pray that they'll get better and that their hearts will be softened. We were able to meet with two guys the other day that totally bashed us. We were meeting them at the church with a member couple to help us teach. Finally, the member had to step in and tell them to knock it off. She said that us sisters were good enough to meet with them and help answer their questions, but that we weren't here to be bashed. It was horrible. I cried the entire way home. It's horrible when someone can take something that I cherish and totally use it against me to rip me apart. I keep thinking of part of the song that Sister Hardman wrote: "I have tried to warn you, but my words have only grieved you. When we stand at judgment day, what would ye have me say? I reached out for you, but I could not retrieve you. Would you dare to tell me then, 'I don't believe you.'" I hope their hearts will be softened one day. It might have just been because his friend was a "preacher in training."
Monday, March 8, 2010
News from Milledgeville
**Edited from an email to the family on March 1**
Here's a howdy from Georgia! Things are well down here. I'm glad things are good back home. Our car has been giving us a lot of trouble. It doesn't start without a jump. I'm glad all is well back home and down in Mendoza.
Well, our teaching pool has picked up a bit. Thanks to all our tracting. We are teaching a couple named Kelly and Faye. Kelly used to meet with the Elders, but quit. So we went by to say "hi" and we were able to teach him some things. Faye is really quiet, but Kelly can really talk. He's only about Jeff's age....yeah....36, right? But, anyway, he and I have really connected. He is so spiritual and he and I can talk for hours about spiritual experiences. I know that he is one of the people that I promised I'd find in the premortal world. I can just feel it. I challenged him to baptism and he said he'd pray about it. So pray for him. Pray for the both of them.
Also, Julia. She's 81 years old. She used to meet with the other sisters before I got here. With Sister Anderson and Sister Jenson, I believe. She's been listening to the Book of Mormon on CD and Sister Hardman and I can see in her eyes that she knows it's true. Pray for her.
Here's a howdy from Georgia! Things are well down here. I'm glad things are good back home. Our car has been giving us a lot of trouble. It doesn't start without a jump. I'm glad all is well back home and down in Mendoza.
Well, our teaching pool has picked up a bit. Thanks to all our tracting. We are teaching a couple named Kelly and Faye. Kelly used to meet with the Elders, but quit. So we went by to say "hi" and we were able to teach him some things. Faye is really quiet, but Kelly can really talk. He's only about Jeff's age....yeah....36, right? But, anyway, he and I have really connected. He is so spiritual and he and I can talk for hours about spiritual experiences. I know that he is one of the people that I promised I'd find in the premortal world. I can just feel it. I challenged him to baptism and he said he'd pray about it. So pray for him. Pray for the both of them.
Also, Julia. She's 81 years old. She used to meet with the other sisters before I got here. With Sister Anderson and Sister Jenson, I believe. She's been listening to the Book of Mormon on CD and Sister Hardman and I can see in her eyes that she knows it's true. Pray for her.
Monday, February 22, 2010
My companion is an amazing songwriter!!
Well, this week has been semi interesting. I've been trying to adjust to having a third companion. Especially one that is rather old....hmmm. It's been an adjustment, but if I've learned anything on my mission, it's how to adjust. Bah. I hate change. But missions are all about change!! Anyways, my compie is a songwriter. She wrote this amazing song. It's taken from Mormon, chapter 6. It's written from Mormon's point of view on how he watches his whole civilization be destroyed because of their wickedness. It also pulls at the heartstrings of anyone who has served a mission. Especially a mission where it's more of a hunting mission *cough* Europe and USA *cough* So here are the lyrics:
"O ye fair ones why,
Have ye turned away to die,
When your Savior stood with arms stretched to recieve you?
O ye fair sons and daughters,
How great has been your slaughter.
Why have ye let that Evil One deceive you,
That the Spirit, at last, was forced to leave you?
As your Captain and your friend,
I am with you till the end.
I have warned you, but my words have only grieved you.
When we stand at judgment day,
What would ye have me say?
I reached out for you,
But I could not retrieve you.
Would you dare to tell me then, "I don't believe you?"
O my soul is rent with pain,
For the anguish of your slain.
But ye are gone and cannot return."
The melody that goes with it is gorgeous. I love it. It is especially good for anyone who's served a mission and been rejected over and over....
We are teaching a couple of people right now. A man who called us up and wanted to meet with us. Not sure how solid he is though. He might just be looking for information. He has an open mind though, and doesn't bash. So that's good. We are also teaching a woman. She's wonderful and has met with missionaries before. So hopefully, we can get her baptized. Just keep them in your prayers.
I'm learning to speak with a Southern accent, which is fun, cuz I know it's gonna drive Maridy absolutely crazy when I come home. Hehehe.
I had an experience the last few days that reaffirmed my testimony on the priesthood. I was really sick on Saturday and Sister Hardman was trying to find someone to give me a blessing. Cuz our DL is an office elder and was at Zone Conference. So we called the bishop and one of his counselors and they gave me a beautiful blessing and I immediately felt better. I love being able to have the priesthood in our lives.
Anyways....Bye for now! Till next week!
"O ye fair ones why,
Have ye turned away to die,
When your Savior stood with arms stretched to recieve you?
O ye fair sons and daughters,
How great has been your slaughter.
Why have ye let that Evil One deceive you,
That the Spirit, at last, was forced to leave you?
As your Captain and your friend,
I am with you till the end.
I have warned you, but my words have only grieved you.
When we stand at judgment day,
What would ye have me say?
I reached out for you,
But I could not retrieve you.
Would you dare to tell me then, "I don't believe you?"
O my soul is rent with pain,
For the anguish of your slain.
But ye are gone and cannot return."
The melody that goes with it is gorgeous. I love it. It is especially good for anyone who's served a mission and been rejected over and over....
We are teaching a couple of people right now. A man who called us up and wanted to meet with us. Not sure how solid he is though. He might just be looking for information. He has an open mind though, and doesn't bash. So that's good. We are also teaching a woman. She's wonderful and has met with missionaries before. So hopefully, we can get her baptized. Just keep them in your prayers.
I'm learning to speak with a Southern accent, which is fun, cuz I know it's gonna drive Maridy absolutely crazy when I come home. Hehehe.
I had an experience the last few days that reaffirmed my testimony on the priesthood. I was really sick on Saturday and Sister Hardman was trying to find someone to give me a blessing. Cuz our DL is an office elder and was at Zone Conference. So we called the bishop and one of his counselors and they gave me a beautiful blessing and I immediately felt better. I love being able to have the priesthood in our lives.
Anyways....Bye for now! Till next week!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Milledgeville....Second Week of Transfer!
I LOVE GEORGIA!!!! Things are really great down here! We had snow a last week...so that was fun. But everybody freaked out cuz they ain't used to it like we are. But it was rather frightening to drive in. Not to mention that a couple of days ago, I almost hit a deer. BAH! But anyways. Our teaching pool is rather dead. We were teaching a man, but he's kinda disappeared. He was just about to be interviewed for baptism as well.
We've been teaching two older black ladies. But we aren't sure how solid they are...so we'll see how things go. Pray for them! We've also been teaching a young man...probably in his late twenties. And he seems open. He was the one to call us and schedule an appointment...(That NEVER happens, by the way) So keep him in your prayers. I challenged him to pray about baptism for March 6. So we'll see what happens.
I love my mission. I'm learning so much and growing each and every day. I'm not the same person that I was when I left. I've grown spiritually and mentally. It's amazing how close you get to your Savior and your Father in Heaven when on a mission. It's wonderful. And being in the south is a different experience just as well. It's almost like a different culture down here. But I love the people of the south. They are so nice and genuine. And, boy, they know their bible. Probably more so than I do! But it's wonderful. Cuz they are close to our Savior and eventually, they will come to accept him and his gospel. The church is true and it is wonderful!!!
We've been teaching two older black ladies. But we aren't sure how solid they are...so we'll see how things go. Pray for them! We've also been teaching a young man...probably in his late twenties. And he seems open. He was the one to call us and schedule an appointment...(That NEVER happens, by the way) So keep him in your prayers. I challenged him to pray about baptism for March 6. So we'll see what happens.
I love my mission. I'm learning so much and growing each and every day. I'm not the same person that I was when I left. I've grown spiritually and mentally. It's amazing how close you get to your Savior and your Father in Heaven when on a mission. It's wonderful. And being in the south is a different experience just as well. It's almost like a different culture down here. But I love the people of the south. They are so nice and genuine. And, boy, they know their bible. Probably more so than I do! But it's wonderful. Cuz they are close to our Savior and eventually, they will come to accept him and his gospel. The church is true and it is wonderful!!!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Milledgeville, Georgia
GREETINGS FROM MILLEDGEVILLE, GEORGIA!!!!!!!! Fabulous. Only one transfer in Cochran and now I was shipped up north. But thats ok. I don't mind. Not really anyway.
Not a whole lot has been going on. I was homesick for Cochran last week, so that was no bueno. But oh well.
Church has been interesting. People always notice the missionaries. I feel like I'm on display. I now live in an apartment. It's much better than living with members. My new address is:
Sister Katie Hoggard
205 Ivey Drive #20
Milledgeville, Georgia 31061
But I will update this when I have more exciting news. The only real exciting thing that happened this week was that I got chewed out by a man. And got told that we follow a false religion and he chewed us out cuz we pray to God. We don't pray to Jesus and he told us that Mormons aren't allowed to worship Jesus. And that hit me hard so I said 'Sir? Where in our religion does it say that we're not allowed to worship Jesus?' And he totally sidestepped the question and said "I've studied it!" So, we didn't get into it. We just left.
My new companion is Sister Hardman. She's great. I love her a lot.
Not much to say.....so I'll update it later.
Not a whole lot has been going on. I was homesick for Cochran last week, so that was no bueno. But oh well.
Church has been interesting. People always notice the missionaries. I feel like I'm on display. I now live in an apartment. It's much better than living with members. My new address is:
Sister Katie Hoggard
205 Ivey Drive #20
Milledgeville, Georgia 31061
But I will update this when I have more exciting news. The only real exciting thing that happened this week was that I got chewed out by a man. And got told that we follow a false religion and he chewed us out cuz we pray to God. We don't pray to Jesus and he told us that Mormons aren't allowed to worship Jesus. And that hit me hard so I said 'Sir? Where in our religion does it say that we're not allowed to worship Jesus?' And he totally sidestepped the question and said "I've studied it!" So, we didn't get into it. We just left.
My new companion is Sister Hardman. She's great. I love her a lot.
Not much to say.....so I'll update it later.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Transfer Week
Hey y'all!
So first order of business, I'm leaving Cochran...sad day. I'm really depressed about it. I'm probably going to Ridgeland, South Carolina cuz the sisters there have been together for 3 transfers and that's already way too long. So, send letters to the mission home. But Sister Hatfield got a call from President Bowman this morning saying that she's training again and that she's staying here, so that means I'm leaving. I don't wanna leave Cochran! I love Cochran! I love the people! *sigh* no bueno.
Well, on to happier news! Dixie has committed, and she is sooo baptized on February 13th. Which means that once she is baptized, then she'll reactivate her husband! YAY!!!
Last night, we started teaching a manwho been married to a member for 20 years and says he's been praying for 20 years to find out if the church is true. He's met with several different sets of missionariesand he says he's been waiting for his answer for 20 years. So we told him to start praying with real intent and we promised him that if he would, the Lord would answer him. He also has to promise to the Lord that he will do what He asks.
Some one else also didn't come to church, but we told him that he couldn't be baptized until he was off of parole, but he seemed okay with it. He's on parole for 4 years, and he can be baptized sooner, but it would need him coming to church and living the commandments for 6 months or longer and then he'd need First Presidency's approval. So keep these people in your prayers!
Sister Susan Caddell has mysteriously vanished.
OH! At zone conference, I was talking to this other sister and I told her that I wanted to major in Special Ed and she told me that she could tell just by looking at me that I would be a good special ed teacher cuz I don't get ruffled easily and that I stay calm easily, which is true to a point. But she told me her mom is a special ed teacher. This sister was Sister Hardman. She was really nice. She's a thespian too and an english major....so she and I would probably get along. :)
The church is so true! I love it. Everything about this gospel is incredible. I am so grateful for Joseph Smith. In 1820, a young boy walked into a grove of trees with a simple question, and came out with an answer that changed this entire world. When I tell people that this is a WORLDWIDE church and that I have a little brother that is serving in Argentina and Sister Hatfield has a little brother that is serving in South Korea and I have friends that have served in England, Russia, Brazil, Spain, Albania and all that, they are stunned how worldwide this church truly is. I'm so grateful for this wonderful gospel.
So first order of business, I'm leaving Cochran...sad day. I'm really depressed about it. I'm probably going to Ridgeland, South Carolina cuz the sisters there have been together for 3 transfers and that's already way too long. So, send letters to the mission home. But Sister Hatfield got a call from President Bowman this morning saying that she's training again and that she's staying here, so that means I'm leaving. I don't wanna leave Cochran! I love Cochran! I love the people! *sigh* no bueno.
Well, on to happier news! Dixie has committed, and she is sooo baptized on February 13th. Which means that once she is baptized, then she'll reactivate her husband! YAY!!!
Last night, we started teaching a manwho been married to a member for 20 years and says he's been praying for 20 years to find out if the church is true. He's met with several different sets of missionariesand he says he's been waiting for his answer for 20 years. So we told him to start praying with real intent and we promised him that if he would, the Lord would answer him. He also has to promise to the Lord that he will do what He asks.
Some one else also didn't come to church, but we told him that he couldn't be baptized until he was off of parole, but he seemed okay with it. He's on parole for 4 years, and he can be baptized sooner, but it would need him coming to church and living the commandments for 6 months or longer and then he'd need First Presidency's approval. So keep these people in your prayers!
Sister Susan Caddell has mysteriously vanished.
OH! At zone conference, I was talking to this other sister and I told her that I wanted to major in Special Ed and she told me that she could tell just by looking at me that I would be a good special ed teacher cuz I don't get ruffled easily and that I stay calm easily, which is true to a point. But she told me her mom is a special ed teacher. This sister was Sister Hardman. She was really nice. She's a thespian too and an english major....so she and I would probably get along. :)
The church is so true! I love it. Everything about this gospel is incredible. I am so grateful for Joseph Smith. In 1820, a young boy walked into a grove of trees with a simple question, and came out with an answer that changed this entire world. When I tell people that this is a WORLDWIDE church and that I have a little brother that is serving in Argentina and Sister Hatfield has a little brother that is serving in South Korea and I have friends that have served in England, Russia, Brazil, Spain, Albania and all that, they are stunned how worldwide this church truly is. I'm so grateful for this wonderful gospel.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Armies of Helaman
We had our first baptism on Saturday. It was incredible. I loved it.
We also got to be part of a Spanish baptism. It doesn't matter what language it's in, the spirit is still incredibly strong.
I think of the song Armies of Helaman, while I'm here. "We have been saved for these latter days to build the kingdom in righteous ways. We hear the words our prophet declares, 'let each who's worthy go forth & share.'"
We are teaching some neat people right now, so remember them in your prayers.
We also got to be part of a Spanish baptism. It doesn't matter what language it's in, the spirit is still incredibly strong.
I think of the song Armies of Helaman, while I'm here. "We have been saved for these latter days to build the kingdom in righteous ways. We hear the words our prophet declares, 'let each who's worthy go forth & share.'"
We are teaching some neat people right now, so remember them in your prayers.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Pray for Sister Hoggard's Teaching Pool!!
Hey everyone!
Scratch last week's title. Our baptism was postponed till Saturday. Yeah. It bites. Um...Our teaching pool is kinda dead right now so we need all the prayers we can get.
So, I think I was asked out on a date last week or something. It was weird. This guy wants to "take us to lunch and talk about Jesus" Yeah. I'll be surprised if he actually calls. Weird.
Um....We've done quite a bit of tracting this week. But tracting in the rain is no bueno!
We went on exchanges with the other sisters in our district. They are in Warner Robins, which is about 45 minutes away and is home to a huge air force base. The planes fly over us all the time. Sometimes causing sonic booms and they make me jump out of my skin. It takes me a minute to realize that it's the planes and that the house isn't blowing up or anything.
Life in the mission is good. Nothing real out of the ordinary. I appreciate all the letters and prayers and support. It helps a whole lot.
The church is true and I see God everywhere I go. I see Him in the sunsets and in the stars at night. Its so wonderful to feel so close to him. He is a literal Father in Heaven and He loves each and every one of us. We put on the armor of God each day when we kneel down and pray. I love this gospel and love being a missionary!
Scratch last week's title. Our baptism was postponed till Saturday. Yeah. It bites. Um...Our teaching pool is kinda dead right now so we need all the prayers we can get.
So, I think I was asked out on a date last week or something. It was weird. This guy wants to "take us to lunch and talk about Jesus" Yeah. I'll be surprised if he actually calls. Weird.
Um....We've done quite a bit of tracting this week. But tracting in the rain is no bueno!
We went on exchanges with the other sisters in our district. They are in Warner Robins, which is about 45 minutes away and is home to a huge air force base. The planes fly over us all the time. Sometimes causing sonic booms and they make me jump out of my skin. It takes me a minute to realize that it's the planes and that the house isn't blowing up or anything.
Life in the mission is good. Nothing real out of the ordinary. I appreciate all the letters and prayers and support. It helps a whole lot.
The church is true and I see God everywhere I go. I see Him in the sunsets and in the stars at night. Its so wonderful to feel so close to him. He is a literal Father in Heaven and He loves each and every one of us. We put on the armor of God each day when we kneel down and pray. I love this gospel and love being a missionary!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Sister Hoggard's First Baptism!
Hello everyone!
Greetings from Cochran, Georgia! Home of Middle Georgia College, where the graduating class is eight rednecks, two farmers and a cow! Just kidding!
So we have a baptism scheduled for tomorrow! Her name is Emily Stiles and she is freaking awesome!!!! She is fifteen years old and has the sweetest testimony ever! Her parents are members but have been inactive for about ten years. So now their daughter is getting baptized and she plans to reactivate her parents. YAY!
It has been super cold this week, so we haven't been able to tract, due to the fact that the mission doctor forbid us to tract since Sister Hatfield has been sick. But it's still been a good week.
Zone conference was post poned this week though, which was a good and bad thing. Good, cuz I didn't have to get up so blasted early, but bad cuz I was looking forward to meeting other missionaries. Boo!
The church is true! I see evidence of it everywhere! God lives and He loves us! He knows us by name and knows what we are going through. Jesus Christ truly is our Savior and Redeemer. He knows us individually and knows what we are going through as well. For a few moments in the Garden of Gethsemane, he was thinking of us. How many drops of blood were spilt for us? When he says "lovest thou me?" How are we going to answer?
Greetings from Cochran, Georgia! Home of Middle Georgia College, where the graduating class is eight rednecks, two farmers and a cow! Just kidding!
So we have a baptism scheduled for tomorrow! Her name is Emily Stiles and she is freaking awesome!!!! She is fifteen years old and has the sweetest testimony ever! Her parents are members but have been inactive for about ten years. So now their daughter is getting baptized and she plans to reactivate her parents. YAY!
It has been super cold this week, so we haven't been able to tract, due to the fact that the mission doctor forbid us to tract since Sister Hatfield has been sick. But it's still been a good week.
Zone conference was post poned this week though, which was a good and bad thing. Good, cuz I didn't have to get up so blasted early, but bad cuz I was looking forward to meeting other missionaries. Boo!
The church is true! I see evidence of it everywhere! God lives and He loves us! He knows us by name and knows what we are going through. Jesus Christ truly is our Savior and Redeemer. He knows us individually and knows what we are going through as well. For a few moments in the Garden of Gethsemane, he was thinking of us. How many drops of blood were spilt for us? When he says "lovest thou me?" How are we going to answer?
Friday, January 8, 2010
MTC pictures
(***Note from Vicki, Katie's sister-in-law: The captions I will put with the pictures will be what Katie wrote on the back of the pictures. Enjoy!)
It's Elder & Sister Hoggard!

The roomies!

District 21A! (sounds like the name of a movie where everybody shoots each other)

We're goin' to Georgia!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Not sure why the snow is trying to grow ...

Our matching Georgia T-shirts


Attempting to study

Sister Savage & I in the Referral Center.

The girls of the zone

My home!

On the bus!
It's Elder & Sister Hoggard!

The roomies!

District 21A! (sounds like the name of a movie where everybody shoots each other)

We're goin' to Georgia!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Not sure why the snow is trying to grow ...

Our matching Georgia T-shirts


Attempting to study

Sister Savage & I in the Referral Center.

The girls of the zone

My home!

On the bus!

Monday, January 4, 2010
Week Five of the Mission Field!!!
Week five!
Oh man! We have had such a crazy week! First of all, my compie was sick so I spent New Years Eve taking care of a sick companion. Our baptism fell through yesterday, so that kinda sucked. My little brother left today....poor kid has to take a 28 hour flight. My compie got grounded by the mission doctor yesterday, so we couldn't go to church and that kinda sucked cuz I really wanted to bear my testimony. But I would've felt like I was freakin on display like I did last week. People really notice the missionaries. We have a baptism set for this week, so hopefully it goes through and we have one set for next week. This is definitly the hardest thing I have EVER done! The most rigorous challenge of my young life! But it is infinitly worth it. It's hard, but rewarding. Very rewarding. The people of the South are very open hearted for the most part and mostly willing to listen to us. Despite the fact that it's kinda awkward when you are praying with them and they yell out "Thank you, Jesus!" in the middle of the prayer. :D Granted, I have been yelled at a couple of times, but for the most part, people are very nice. And you can tell that they are genuine. That's the best part, I think. :D I'm getting more and more used to my mission, so that's good. It takes time, but you get into a routine. 18 months feels like forever, but I already have one month down! And according to President Bowman, the MTC is already a third of my mission!
But I do love it out here. I love the people. They are so sweet. I have been called all sorts of pet names here...mostly people call me "Baby." But there are other ones...."sweetie, honey" and my all time favorite, "honey child!" LOVE THAT ONE! LOL! I'll probably come home calling you all that...I mean calling y'all that!
I am picking up the southern accent and that has been kinda fun. :D I know Maridy thinks I'll sound stupid but Zac thinks I'll sound cool. XD Anyways, I love you all! Thank you for your prayers and support!
Oh man! We have had such a crazy week! First of all, my compie was sick so I spent New Years Eve taking care of a sick companion. Our baptism fell through yesterday, so that kinda sucked. My little brother left today....poor kid has to take a 28 hour flight. My compie got grounded by the mission doctor yesterday, so we couldn't go to church and that kinda sucked cuz I really wanted to bear my testimony. But I would've felt like I was freakin on display like I did last week. People really notice the missionaries. We have a baptism set for this week, so hopefully it goes through and we have one set for next week. This is definitly the hardest thing I have EVER done! The most rigorous challenge of my young life! But it is infinitly worth it. It's hard, but rewarding. Very rewarding. The people of the South are very open hearted for the most part and mostly willing to listen to us. Despite the fact that it's kinda awkward when you are praying with them and they yell out "Thank you, Jesus!" in the middle of the prayer. :D Granted, I have been yelled at a couple of times, but for the most part, people are very nice. And you can tell that they are genuine. That's the best part, I think. :D I'm getting more and more used to my mission, so that's good. It takes time, but you get into a routine. 18 months feels like forever, but I already have one month down! And according to President Bowman, the MTC is already a third of my mission!
But I do love it out here. I love the people. They are so sweet. I have been called all sorts of pet names here...mostly people call me "Baby." But there are other ones...."sweetie, honey" and my all time favorite, "honey child!" LOVE THAT ONE! LOL! I'll probably come home calling you all that...I mean calling y'all that!
I am picking up the southern accent and that has been kinda fun. :D I know Maridy thinks I'll sound stupid but Zac thinks I'll sound cool. XD Anyways, I love you all! Thank you for your prayers and support!
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